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Products of an
extraordinary territory

Two hectares of Vineyard in the unique territory of Lamole, the skilled craftsmanship and passion for wine and winemaking that has been passed down for generations. In Cinuzzi’s historic Castellinuzza winery, we continue the centuries-old tradition of producing great wines.

Ingresso Cantina Castellinuzza
Ingresso Cantina Castellinuzza
Vigneto Castellinuzza in Chianti

Castellinuzza is a member of the Chianti Classico Consortium and the Winemakers Association of Lamole.
An important innovation concerns the project of subdividing the Chianti Classico production territory into smaller areas.

For this reason, eleven areas within the Chianti Classico production area, called UGAs, Additional Geographical Units, have been identified and delimited.

Of the eleven delimited UGAs, Lamole is the smallest; part of this UGA is the “Profumi di Lamole” Association with only 9 historic producers.

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