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An ancient History in the territory of Lamole

Castellinuzza is a thousand-year-old borgo where a perfect balance between territory and craftsmanship persists.
The territory of Lamole, Historic Rural Landscape of Italy, is the setting for those who, like us, following a passion produce wines and oil of excellent quality.

Documento storico Castellinuzza

The Origins

The Borgo of Castellinuzza has ancient origins. It was a castle surrounded by low walls and is thought to have belonged initially to the Gherardini family.
By 1400, it has been owned by the Cinuzzi family, current owners of part of the borgo.

Ingresso reception di Castellinuzza

The Villa

The villa and rural houses, all dating back to the early 1600s, have been restored while carefully preserving their original features, from the Renaissance-style garden to the stone facades.

Stemma della famiglia Cinuzzi

The Family

The history of the Cinuzzi family starts in Siena around the mid-1400s and continues nowaday in Rome. The family crest still stands in the council chamber of the City of Siena, the Cinuzzi family being direct descendants of Marcantonio Cinuzzi, poet and member of the Accademia degli Intronati.

Vigneto di Castellinuzza

The Legacy

Son of Mariano, heir of a family of the nobility , enrolled in the “mount” of gentlemen. Centuries and generations have passed since then, but the family has remained inextricably linked to Castellinuzza and the production of Chianti Classico wine.

Consorzio Chianti Classico 1924

The Wine

Centuries and generations have passed since then, but the family has remained inextricably linked to Castellinuzza and the production of Chianti Classico wine.
Chianti Classico wine has always been produced in this ancient borgo located on the road to Lamole.

Castellinuzza documento storico antico

The Origins

The Borgo of Castellinuzza has ancient origins. It was a castle surrounded by low walls and is thought to have belonged initially to the Gherardini family.
By 1400, it has been owned by the Cinuzzi family, current owners of part of the borgo.

Castellinuzza ingresso della villa

The Villa

The villa and rural houses, all dating back to the early 1600s, have been restored while carefully preserving their original features, from the Renaissance-style garden to the stone facades.

Castellinuzza stemma della famiglia Cinuzzi

The Family

The history of the Cinuzzi family starts in Siena around the mid-1400s and continues nowaday in Rome. The family crest still stands in the council chamber of the City of Siena, the Cinuzzi family being direct descendants of Marcantonio Cinuzzi, poet and member of the Accademia degli Intronati.

Castellinuzza panorama e vigneto

The Legacy

The history of the Cinuzzi family starts in Siena around the mid-1400s and continues nowaday in Rome. The family crest still stands in the council chamber of the City of Siena, the Cinuzzi family being direct descendants of Marcantonio Cinuzzi, poet and member of the Accademia degli Intronati.

Castellinuzza Consorzio Chianti Classico

Il Vino

Centuries and generations have passed since then, but the family has remained inextricably linked to Castellinuzza and the production of Chianti Classico wine.
Chianti Classico wine has always been produced in this ancient borgo located on the road to Lamole.

The territory

A high-hill territory characterized by significant temperature excursions between day and night that preserves all the characteristics of Sangiovese grapes.
The vineyards located on a promontory of Galestro (a characteristic clay based rock of the area) are constantly exposed to the morning breezes and throughout the rest of the day to the sun’s rays. The resulting wines delight in unique characteristics of freshness, elegance and refinement.